7 Best URL Shorteners To Make Money 2023

Shorte.st Best URL Shortener

URL Shortener sites are one of the best make money online ways which many people have found helpful when it comes to earning an extra income. Wanting to find out whether this kind of service is an opportunity worth joining. Just keep reading.

Shortening links is all about copying your favorite link for example thekonsulthub.com, pasting it in the URL shortener service while you are logged in, getting the shortened link, sharing it with your friends, and getting paid every time anyone visits your shared link.

To earn more with the URL shortening service, you need to have a lot of traffic to your shortened links since the more your links are visited, the more you earn and it is guaranteed. This kind of making money is very suitable for those Bloggers who own blogs and are looking for extra income,  social network sharers (Facebook, Twitter, etc), and anyone else provided you tend to share the different links from the different sites.

The one good thing about paid-to URL shortener links is the fact that you are not required to shorten links of your own sites only but to are allowed to shorten any link you might come across, for example, YouTube video links. The other thing is that some of the shortening providers allow webmasters to add a single script code to their sites, which automatically shortens all outgoing links thereby increasing their chances of earning more.

If you are interested in earning through this option, below are the

7 Best URL shorteners to make money in 2023

  • Shorte.st
  • Adf.ly
  • Ouo.IO
  • ShrinkMe.io
  • Ad7.biz
  • Adfoc.us
  • Shortzon.com
  • Clk.sh

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