This Is To Inform You That Your Email Address Has Won Prize Amount 0f ($750,000.00 USD) – Google Gmail, YAHOO!Mail, Rediffmail & Windows Live Lottery Scam

Won Prize Amount 0f ($750,000.00 USD)

Scam Alert – “This is to inform you that your Email address has won Prize Amount of ($750,000.00 USD) for being one of our active Web-Email user this Year. This Lottery promotion was organized by Google Gmail, YAHOO!Mail,Rediffmail & Windows Live Lottery INC. A cheque of $750,000.00 US, For more details Reply to [email protected] with the information below”..

You have seen the above message live and you should take note of it. This is another ongoing scam which is being sent to peoples email addresses. And please, you need not to mistaken this the above message or any related to be real as you might end up being a victim of scam.

I have scammers and their scam ways since they are only there to exploit internet users. Just imagine how one feels after recoievng such an email with the above contents? Dont you think that one might be forced to respond by providing the information required by the sender?

And guess what will happen next? Of course you will be required to make payments in form of processing fees through western union and or any other option and alternative as per the scammers choice. As seen in the screenshot below, I personally got this message and was from kivan as a PDF attachment. The same message was requesting me to reply to [email protected] with whatever they asked.

Google Gmail, YAHOO!Mail,Rediffmail & Windows Live Lottery INC Scam Alert Prize Amount of ($750,000.00 USD)

Please stay alert of this ongoing scam faking as Google Gmail, YAHOO!Mail,Rediffmail & Windows Live Lottery INC being the Lottery organizers. This is another scam like the Microsoft one, Godaddy one and many others intended to scam you..

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