SOLVED! Your Content Couldn’t Be Shared, Because This Link Goes Against Our Community Standards

facebook blacklisted my website

Did Facebook block or blacklist your website or domain name? Are you unable to any of your blog/site content? Do you get this error “We can’t review this website because the content doesn’t meet our community standards” every time you attempt to use the debugging tool to have your link unblacklisted and get past the “Your content couldn’t be shared, because this link goes against our community standards”?

If the above is your problem, you are not alone. But still, don’t worry since you are soon learning how you can have this solved. With Facebook being one of the “giants” when it comes to social media, many bloggers, internet marketers, business owners, individuals and etc want to take advantage of it and have whatever they deal in or offer shared on this social site. This is due to the well-known advantages associated including sales-boosting, wider coverage, meeting new clients and etc.

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In order to attain the above, many end up hiring the so-called marketers, adding direct site-social media sharing buttons, program automated shares, using browser extensions and etc, which sometimes turn the opposite when something goes wrong, for example when one overdoes it.

In such a situation, Facebook in the name of protecting their community standards, and also protecting the user and members’ interests will instantly blacklist any kind of website including the domain name from having its links shared. That is why one ends up seeing this “We can’t review this website because the content doesn’t meet our community standards” after making attempts to have it whitelisted.

In such cases, I have discovered one working solution which can solve this. While the are very many options including using the URL debugging Facebook developer tool, all seem not to work. However much you try to write to them be in forum threads or so, the error will persist. That is why doing this only will help you.

Change your domain name or website URL.

Changing the above has proven to be the only working solution for blacklisted urls by Facebook. What you need is to Register a new domain name from your provider, migrate your content and do search engine optimization.

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I know you will say how about your current search traffic right? Let me answer this to you. If you attempt to forward your old URL to the new URL (domain), Facebook will too blacklist your new domain name. Yes, I tried that and it was the result…

But if you insist, simply forward your domain following this guide if you are on Cloudflare and set change URL in Google webmaster.

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