Drivers License Uganda

How To Replace A Lost Driving Permit (DP) In Uganda

Drivers License Uganda

Here is how to replace a driving licence in Uganda. Find out what you need, the replacement associated costs, and the time it takes to obtain the duplicate permit.

If you’ve just lost, misplaced, or had your Uganda driver’s license stolen, and wondering what next to do in order to obtain a replacement, you are reading the right guide.

Where to replace your lost driver’s license?

Replacing a lost driving permit aka a driver’s license is the work of the Uganda driver licensing system (UDLS), a MoWT project with the mandate to “produce and issue secure, world-class computerized driving licenses” in Uganda.

Once you’ve everything required, you are ready to submit your permit replacement application at any of the UDLS offices countrywide in order to process and obtain the duplicate license.

Requirements to replace lost driver’s license Uganda

  • Police report
  • Original National ID
  • Duplicate license payment slip

You must produce all of the above to the UDLS office in order to process your replacement driver’s license. In case of a missing National ID, you must first obtain a NIRA confirmation letter that is addressed to UDLS indicating that you have a NIN.

How to pay for a replacement driving licence in Uganda

  • Visit “
  • Click “eServices”
  • Click “Payment Registration”
  • Click “NTR” under Tax Head
  • Enter “Names, Address, and Phone Number”
  • Type “Given Text”
  • Click “Accept and Register”
  • Print “Payment Registration Slip”
  • Proceed to the “Bank” and make the payment.

As is the case when paying for motor vehicle and motorcycle duplicate number plates, renewal of driving permit, etc, drivers license replacement fees are paid to the URA collection account in any bank of choice after generating the duplicate PRN as indicated above.

Why obtain a replacement driving permit?

It so happens that people lose their DLs due to robbery, theft, misplacement, etc reasons. In order to stay driving on the Ugandan roads, obtaining a replacement driving permit is a must. This prompts one to go about the process and get a duplicate as it’s required by law.

If you are one of those who want to process a replacement driver’s license and permit, all you need is to follow instructions in this guide and find out how to do everything yourself without any third party or broker help.

Follow the instructions to process and obtain a replacement driver’s licence in Uganda.

Report to the police.

Begin by reporting the permitted loss of your driving permit at the nearest police station. Your ref will be entered. This will help you during that time when you need the police to whom it might concern.

Obtain Police to whom it may concern

Now take the newspaper page containing the advert of your lost permit to the police station where you reported the loss and request for police to whom it may concern. That police letter must be signed and stamped and it should have your name and permit number.

Pay duplicate fees (121,000/=)

Follow the procedures as indicated above and generate the duplicate driving license payment PRN.

Download the Driving Licence Application form

A duly filled UDLS driving licence application form must be attached if you are able to download it from the UDLS website.

Attach and go to UDLS offices

Attach all the above documents and proceed to any UDLS office closer to you and submit your application for a duplicate driving permit. Your license will be issued instantly upon verifying and approving your application.

If you are time-limited and want an expert processing instant processing service, call 0752009001 and simply wait for it to be done.

Final Word

The process on how to recover a lost driver’s license in Uganda is very simple and can be done within no time. For as long as you pay the duplicate driving license fees of 121,000/= shillings, and attach everything required, you get your license instant. Check if your license is fake or original.

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