Huawei Modem

How To Fix Modem Connection Error 619/635/720/678

Huawei Modem

If you are looking forward to solving your USB Modem/Dongle connection error 619 or 635/720 depending on your internet service provider, then this is the very article you have been looking for. The 619 error on one hand is one which can occur at any time more especially if you happen to use your computer while connecting to the different internet service providers or networks for example on Vodacom and MTN or any other.

On the other hand, error 678 which is not more common to many is known to be a result of not being ready for example when you have just inserted your modem in the computer while still initializing. And regardless of the error you are having, below is what you need to know about troubleshooting and possibly getting rid of the problem.

USB Modem Error 619/635/720

This is an error which pops up this message –

A Connection to the remote computer could not be established,

so the port used for this connection was closed.

And if you happen to see such an error, know that its is something to do with your internet profile settings where by chances are that you are trying to connect to the internet using a different profile other than the one which is assigned to you by your provider.

How To Troubleshoot Error?

Solving the above is very simple and below is how to go about it.

  • Launch your modem mobile partner or connection software.
  • Using the drop down menu, select your provider name and click on connect.

And assuming you had not set your provider profile which is common when you do an upgrade of your modem dashboard, then go to tools, options and select profile management. Click on new profile, enter your preferred name, select static and enter your provider APN or access point name which you can get from your ISP.

And once you are done, click save and go back to the partner home screen and choose that profile which corresponds with the current SIM Card you are using to access the internet.

Broadband Modem Error 678

While this is an error which is not more common, it so happens that many wonder why and what causes this and do look for the best solution.

Error 678 pops up a message;

The remote computer did not respond

How To Fix Error 678?

Fixing this kind of error is very simple and here is how to go about it. Just make sure that you give computer some time after inserting your modem so as for it to finish initializing. This will help your modem to search and register for the available networks before you attempt connecting to the internet and the end result will be avoiding the 678 error.

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