How Can You Open A Company Bank Account Without A TIN Number In Uganda?

How to open up a company bank account number in Uganda without a TIN number is your question right? And am very sure that you have been searching for the right answer ever since you started up a company and in need of an account number for your clients to pay and for your company savings not so?

No worry, many people have asked me how to go about this and having searched and made some few things into consideration, I decided to share my findings with you right here so that you can possibly try and see if it works out or you.

One thing you should note is the fact that, whether in Uganda or any other country, different financial service providers including banks have different requirements when required in order to be offered a service, and so to opening up Company bank accounts.

Company Bank Account Uganda

Some may require you to submit every single detail of your company including or either, the different forms, the resolutions, the operating certificates, the TIN numbers, the directors income statuses, the registration details, the memorandum and articles of association and any other as may be required while at the same time, some may require only a few which one can acquire within a few minutes.

In order to get past the TIN requirement, you need to make a deal. Am sure you are already asking what that deal may be right? Sure, the deal is all about making a search of a banking provider who will offer you an account number without requiring you provide your tax identification details.

You can start by visiting the different banks and making an inquiry of their different requirements. Checking on their different websites might help you easily find what is required without necessarily wasting much time since many do offer form downloads online.

Trust me, among the many you try out, you will get one which will work for you. I know one but take it as your homework and find it out. That will prove how fit you are to run your company.

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