GTBank Free Prepaid Mastercard

How To Get A GTBank Free Prepaid Mastercard

GTBank Free Prepaid Mastercard

This tutorial takes you through the entire process on how to get a free GTBank prepaid MasterCard for your shopping, verification and other needs. And whether you are in Uganda, Kenya, UK, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria and other countries where this bank operates and need access to the Prepaid VISA, Mastercard, Debit and Dollar card, this article is for you.

GTBank stands for Guarantee trust bank, a bank which not only operates in Uganda with their different branches like Guaranty Trust Bank Uganda (GTB) – Nakivubo, GTB Ovino Mall, GTB Makerere, GTB KIRA, GTB Head office and etc but too in other countries like Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, Rwanda, Sierra Leon, UK and etc offering a diverse range of services and products.

If you know what the power of having a Prepaid Mastercard or VISA debit or a Dollar MasterCard, then of course you should be willing to learn more with regard on the how to get your card from GTBank. Such cards are very useful when it comes to shopping online, giving one access to his or her money from all over the world, doing PayPal, eBay and Amazon verification, and etc.

This means that having such a card is a sure deal that you go beyond the limits as it is when one only has a local supported card for only local ATM cards leave alone Interswitch. If you are interested in getting such a card, below are the steps on how to get a GTBank free prepaid MasterCard.

1. Open your Preferred account with any GTBank branch.

Business Banking
1. GTBusiness Chequer Account
2. Business Loan
3. GTBank Free ‘N’GO Account
4. GTBank Trade Finance
5. GTBusiness Chequer Standard
6. GTDirect
7. GTBank Payroll Account
8. GTBank Salary Account
9. GTBank Fixed Deposit
10. GTBank Treasury
11. GTBank Asset Finance

Personal Banking
1. GTDirect
2. Smart Kids Save (SKS)
3. GTTarget Account
4. GTSave Account
5. GTPersonal Chequer Account
6. GTMax
7. GT Max Advance
8. GTBank Seniors Account
9. GTCrea8 Account
10. GT Salary Account
11. GTBank Esteem Account
12. GT Kirabo Account
13. GT Forex Plus

2. Request for a Prepaid VISA / Dollar / Debit / Mastercard

Once you have opened an account of your choice (Please note that carefully understanding what features of each account will help you chose an account which supports the above card). The next step is to request for your the Card of choice.

3. Start transacting and using the E-Banking service

Once you have your card, you can start transacting and making use of the e-Banking service for example when retrieving your PayPal verification code (PPCODE) during PayPal verify. E-Banking comes with a range of products including but not limited to GTBank Automated Payment Service (GAPS), Internet Banking, GTBank Electronic Notification System (GeNS) and Token. Following the above will give you access to your free GTBank prepaid cards be mastercard, dollar card or VISA card with affordable limits.

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