[Solved] The Log File /htdocs/logs/php-errors.log Does Not Exist or Is Inaccessible – WP Error Log Monitor Plugin

Error Log Monitor WordPress Plugin

Wondering on how to solve and or fix the “The log file /htdocs/logs/php-errors.log does not exist or is inaccessible” for Error Log Monitor WordPress plugin? Don’t worry, in this post I am sharing with you the possible solution for it. Log Monitor is a WordPress free plugin which helps a webmaster to view his or her website / blog error logs and which can be used towards eliminating any possible errors on a website.

This plugin works in a way that it “adds a Dashboard widget that displays the latest messages from your PHP error log, and it can also send logged errors through email. Some of this WordPress plugin features include but not limited to;

WordPress Error Log Plugin Features

How to solve and fix log file /htdocs/logs/php-errors.log does not exist or is inaccessible?

Solving the above is very simple. Firstly, you need to ensure that the plugin is installed in the right directory assuming you used FTP to upload it. And next, you should make sure that the error log file is containing the full path of the folder where you installed it ie “/home/site/public_html/wp-content/logs/php-errors.log” other than “site/htdocs/logs/php-errors.log”.

Just in case you haven’t got it exactly, you can always refer to the plugins support on WordPress plugins directory and ask a question. The plugin authors will respond as per your queries. The above option is what I used when I encountered the above error.

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