Can't Connect To Camera Android

How To Fix Can’t Connect To Camera Android Error

Can't Connect To Camera Android

This tutorial is about how to fix, get rid and solve can’t connect to camera, a common error many Android operating system device users tend to encounter at some one point. No matter whether you are using a Tecno H6 or any other version, an iTel, a Samsung and any other, reading this post might help you locate the answer you might have been looking out for, and right here.

Just like many users share, this can’t connect to camera will show up when one attempts to use it to either take a video, capture a photo or even access other images took using the same option. Yes, this makes one wonder why since this never disappears as it pops up every time an attempt is made to use this feature.

I have heard other share how they even tried downloading third party applications like the 360 and still the error persisted. This proves that unless one does any of the below, and or all of them, chances of having the rich and most used feature work on an Android will be fruitless. Below are the different alternative steps you should follow.

1. Begin by rebooting your smartphone and retrying the same feature, if the problem was slight, you will have it working again.
2. If reboot fails, go to settings, applications, tap menu and select reset application preferences. Try again and see if it works.
3. In case two above fails, then go to settings, applications, scroll to Camera app, tap on it, clear cache, cookies and stop it. Reboot your phone, and launch the feature and see it it is working.
4. In case that fails, then you should perform a soft or hard reset. But please first back up all your data since you will loose it during the process.
5. In case the reset fails, you will need to have your smartphone flashed. You can contact a local repairer using computer aid.
6. In case flashing fails, then you might need to replace the camera hardware.

Trying any of the above might help your app work again and there by having fixed the problem without wasting a single dime, and by yourself.

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