If you aren’t riding a scooter that has a storage space, you need a helmet lock, and since it is the one way you will be able to avoid moving along with it anywhere you go. Helmet locks are very important when it comes to keeping your gear safe from theft and etc. Without one, chances are that you will either have to move with it or simply leave it thereby increasing your chances of losing it.
Helmet locks are available in different types including those which use keys, those which use combination numbers and etc. From experience, my choice from the long list is the combination lock for they have many advantages among them including keyless security.
Combination locks require no keys to clamp your helmet on your motorbike. They are also universal in that they almost work on all kinds and types of motorcycles including bicycles etc.
In order to save you from going through the millions of brands, below are the 5 best motorcycle combination helmet locks according to reviewers.
#1. Bigpantha motorcycle helmet lock
This motorcycle helmet lock comes with a cable. It is sleek, black, and has a tough combination pin-locking carabiner device which secures your motorbike, bicycle, or scooter crash hat or even your jacket by clamping them onto your bike
“I bought this lock for a 4-day ride on my Suzuki Vstrom, and it was perfect. The instructions for setting my combination were simple and I had it set in less than 2 minutes. My combo worked the first time/every time from then on. The lock and cable have a coating on them to protect the bike so I now just leave it on the bike even when I’m not using it”.
#2. Little World Motorcycle Helmet Lock
A little world motorcycle helmet has a lock and a cable. It is a heavy-duty universal combination cable Caribbean lock made to provide motorcycle security with pin locking chain for your bike helmet, jacket, cabinets, and luggage.
“We had our helmets stolen off our bikes a while back. Just bought two more motorcycles that did not have locks. These locks are solid and using these on our handlebars gives us the confidence now to leave them locked to the bikes. Very strong devices”.
#3. Helmetlok Carabiner Style Helmet Lock
Helmet lock carabiner style helmet is a 4-digit programmable locking mechanism lock. It includes a T Bar Extension for helmets utilizing a quick-release style buckle.
“Works well and I like that it’s got some padding on the lock to prevent scratching. It is a bit expensive for what you get, but not outrageously expensive. When you set your own code, though, be careful that the setting switch doesn’t slip partway through the process so you get some random code. It’s well documented in the instructions if you’re one to read instructions but it does seem to slip easily if you’re not careful”.
#4. Precision Works Racing 1 Helmet Lock
Precision works racing 1 helmet lock is racing 1-6 feet of steel cable and a steel combination carabiner to secure your gear to your motorcycle motorbike scooter or mope.
“Love this simple locking system. Secures riding jacket to my bike when I don’t want to carry it with me. I run the cable through the sleeves with one end on the helmet lock and lock the carabiner lock to the rail on the other side of the seat (GSX1100G). The question on the lock was answered immediately by the seller, customer service could not have been better”.
#5. Wayfind Helmet Lock with Cable
Wayfind helmet lock with cable is your fast and easy way to secure motorcycle helmets, jackets, and other gear.
“I have a 500-dollar helmet and don’t like leaving it unattended or carry through a store; this solves those problems. I can actually stretch it to fit through the rear peg mount, through the helmet, and through a sleeve of my jacket.It’s not going to stop someone with pre-determined intent, but it will stop the casual opportunist”.
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