Uganda Passport

Uganda Passport Application Forms – Form A & B

Uganda Passport

Form A and B are the forms which any one interested in applying for a Ugandan Passport or travel document should fill. These forms are a must since its where you fill in all details about you in addition to being verified that you are a Ugandan citizen.

These forms are downloaded and are free of charge regardless of whether you get them online or from the Immigration department at any of the passport branches in Uganda or at any Ugandan Embassy.

Forms A and B are what you need as you see them below. Hit download to get them, fill them, take them to the required offices for signing, pay in the bank and take them back.

Download Passport forms A & B, fill and hand in

You will need to Download the passport application forms, have them filled in and hand them in at the Passport offices located near you. This will kick in your application process and you will be done.

Update: Form G, A & B are no longer applicable since the whole process is now done online on the passports website.

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