Getting a free UK or US International Phone Number ringing on your landline or mobile phone regardless of where and which country you are located is a dream of every traveler, tourist, business, company or any organization due to its advantages.
Many people have friends, relatives and their loved ones while others have businesses, business contacts and many others related in different countries which means the need to constantly keep in touch through communication while spending less or even spending nothing. This one function a free international telephone number whether a United Kingdom or United Stated based purposely to serve such a purpose just like how a Free UK, USA or even Canada Fax Number works.
On the other hand, many others especially those who do prefer new identities for example those on Facebook or Google and looking for verification phones too find this helpful since the same free international phone number can be used to verify and many other uses for example Hubpages verification.
And if you are one of those who have been looking forward to acquiring a free international phone number and which can be listed in the different country phone look ups and directories so that it is available for reverse look ups, then you got to keep reading this article since you will be able to learn how to get your own free phone number within only a few minutes and below are the simple steps to follow.
IPKall & Nonoh Option – Free US-Number
- Visit Nonoh and scroll to new user signup. In put your preferred Username, password, email address, enter depicted letters and click register. Log in to your email and click on the verification link to confirm you email with Nonoh.
- Now visit IPKall website and click on IPKall Signup. Leave the “area Code for your IPKall Number” as prefixed and go to next box. Under the”SIP URI“, enter your Nonoh registered username and enter “sip.nonoh.net” under Host/IP without quotes. Fill on all the other requirement and click on submit.
- Instantly, you will receive another email from IPKall with your new number which you can use to receive and make calls on using VOIP service from both your mobile phone and your computer.
The one other thing you should do before you get started is to download the Nonoh VoIP application still on the same Nonoh Website, install it on your computer and or on your mobile phone and start making and receiving calls using your USA bases phone number.
You should note that you need to keep your phone number active in order to avoid being disconnected. Read how to keep your IPKall SIP phone number for life.
Fwcall Option – Free UK Number
Visit FWCall website, pick your UK based free international phone number, route it to your local landlines and mobile number and start receiving calls instantly. Other similar service providers include data calls and many others.
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